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I have steady clientele, how do I start my own business?

The Dog District salon suites will provide you with a checklist to get your business up and running quickly. 

This is the fun part!!

Apply for LLC

Legal Zoom has a very user friendly website for new business owners. 

Once filed, you will must renew your LLC annually. The cost is $25

Get Insured

The majority of salon owners have policies through The Hartford, PetBiz or Governers. In additional to the required  Comprehensive Commercial Insurance, you'll want to inquire about Pet Protection Coverage. 


FIVVER is a great online marketplace to create a logo. Vistaprint allows you to design and order business & appointment cards.

Get Social!

Creating a Facebook page should be done at a minimum. Complete with address, email & hours. TikTok & Reels are the future of advertising. Get creative and new clients will find you organically. Be sure to tag The Dog District in all of your socials so we may also share!

(586) 480-8684

Clinton Twp, Michigan, USA

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